About The Boosters
The Mira Costa Football Boosters is an organization of civic-minded volunteers open to all parents interested in helping student athletes and the Mustang football program overall.
While the Boosters are typically best known for their fundraising efforts, the organization takes great pride in running and maintaining the Waller Stadium snack stand, producing and selling one of a kind Mustang merchandise and producing a state of the art Season-specific Media Guide to promote the rich legacy, traditions and values of Mira Costa Football.
We are excited to now offer advertisements through our digital scoreboard throughout the game.
Our Current Boosters
Clark Fuller
VP Fundraising/Media Guide:
Chickie Leonard chicknjimbo@verizon.net
VP Merchandise:
Kearstin Knuckles
VP Communicatons:
Bob Martinez bobmartinez10@gmail.com
VP Website/Social Media :
Amanda Pool a.pool@forgelabs.org
VP Spirit: Christy Phillips christyjoyphillips@hotmail.com
VP Team Moms: Sandy Quigley sandyshepley@hotmail.com
Tiffany Barbara Seden_lynne@hotmail.com
Becky Prince beckyprince2017@gmail.com
Join us
The Booster Executive Board always welcomes volunteers, fresh ideas and collaborations, so if you are an individual or local business that feels you have something to contribute, please contact us. Your support is welcome!
Make a donation.
This donation covers the basic costs of funding your program including: coach and/or advisor stipends, costs of transportation to games, events or competitions and the basic costs of providing equipment, supplies, and support to your chosen activity.